I want my work to fit your needs. Contact me for an estimate or a sample edit.

Use this page to scope out the cost, but please keep in mind that no two pieces are alike. Usually, we can develop an estimate that works for both of us, even if it doesn’t quite add up to the usual fees. Also, I offer discounts for repeat and valued customers!




$41 per hour

@ 2,500 words
(10 pages*) per hour


$47 per hour

@ 1,250 words
(5 pages*) per hour

Content Editing

$57 per hour

@ 1,000 words
(4 pages*) per hour

Need a sample edit?

Contact me. It’s $20 for 1 hour or 1,000 words (whichever takes me longer).


Copywriting is $62 per hour @ 500 words (2 pages*) per hour.

This estimated rate includes the time for a reasonable amount of research to ensure the content’s accuracy.



$57 per hour

@ 0.3–1 page/item per hour**

Initial - Doc Design

starts at $57 per hour

@ 1-3 pages/items per hour**

varies by design type

Development -
Doc Design

$47 per hour

@ 5-60 pages/items per hour**

depends on how many pages can follow a defined template

Initial - Graphic Design

starts at $57 per hour

@ 1 page/item per hour**

varies by design type

Development -
Graphic Design

starts at $47 per hour

@ 1-3 pages/items per hour**

varies by design type

​* The typical "page" contains 250 words.

These estimates are based on my own experience and industry averages. Editing and writing rates are based on those published by the Editorial Freelancers Association. I may deviate from these estimates for various reasons.

For example, I may edit more slowly for a highly technical piece with numerous chemical or Latin names. On the other hand, I may be faster if you've carefully reviewed and corrected your piece before starting the editing process.

​** Design encompasses a wide variety of products (e.g., editing/enhancing pictures, developing illustrations, creating videos). So, it’s difficult to provide a single estimate, which is why I've opted to be less precise in these instances. When in doubt, it's probably safest to contact me for an estimate.